Monthly Archives: October 2013

How can a new investor PICK stocks in Philippine Stock Market?


Are you a newbie in investing stock market?

your thinking of what stocks should you buy?

Is this good for a long term?

which company is best to choose?

The market is down should I pull-out my investment?

These are newbies questions I often read in forums, newbies and not so newbies asking others opinion on what to do about their stocks. I was also like this but I’m not saying that I’m now an expert on this but I just want to share what did I do and learned, to pick my stocks. You may heard this already but just one to share.

Here are some of it

1. Ask you’re self first “What is my plan for investing?” This is very critical to starters because if you have no plans at the beginning you are aiming at nothing, and might quit because stock market is a very dangerous place if you don’t have a plan. Ask yourself “what is my goal in entering stock market?”, Short term or long term? trader or investor? these are very essential thing to decide at first because I’ve read many post of newbies being burn because at start they enter the market as investor as they see that they’re already earning, they suddenly became a trader and eventually burned. So have a PLAN and STICK TO IT.

2. I’ve research on the company, know about its products and service, (i don’t look yet at their balance sheets because I don’t know how to interpret it) you may ask so why bother to research it’s because I believe that even you don’t look at their balance sheet but you know what their products or services does you will have the idea if these company is good or not. Now you know their products or services ask yourself can you use it? or are there people using it? is it known to people? is it part of everyday life of people? if its yes then this could support the idea of buying this stocks.

3. Never, never follow others advised without you considering the consequences that may happen if you follow it, in the end it’s still your money your using. I’ve read posts that is ranting that they follow this advised and then felt sorry after following it.

4. Attend seminars this was my stepping stone to level up my knowledge in stock market. Learning is very important when you’re investing you shouldn’t stop learning.

5. Surround yourself with people who already are experts. groups that are reliable. With this you can ask for their opinions, what do they say about whats happening in stock market, their recommendations, advises that can support your research about that company. I recommend the group in FB The Global Filipno Investor Group or TGFI. In this group I’ve learned so many things about investing, there are many TRUSTED experts on this group and people are very helpful, you ask and there will be tons of answers and suggestions.
65. Lastly, I joined Truly Rich Club . At first I was only focus on the “INVESTING PART” the club gives but as I read the Wealth Strategies, Listen and Watch (yes watch, there’s an mp3 and mp4 version of the talks) to the POWER TALKS of Bro BO I got to know God more and his blessings. This club had made so many changes in my life especially opening my mind in the abundance that is waiting out there (I suggest you join us too) “MAKE GOOD PEOPLE RICH” is the mission of the club. WARNING: this is only for those who want to be wealthy in all areas of your life
If you’re interested you can visit the site and have a FREE eBook here is the link

Very last, upon my eagerness to learn more about stock market I was brought again to an incredible group called PINOY INVESTOR where they help new investors to pick the right stock. Now I recommend this for it would help you more to understand PURELY the stock market, they offer TECHNICAL and FUNDAMENTAL analysis. You can subscribe now for free

well then that ends of what I did and what I’ve learned, hope it helps

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Do you work harder on your self than your job?

Join the 2 Day Hands On Workshop on :
Constant Cash with Content Marketing (CCCM)
October 25-26, 2013, Friday and Saturday
Philippine Trade Training Center,
CCP Complex Pasay City beside World Trade Center

Reserve your seats now!

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How to Grow your business using Facebook (video)

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = “//”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));

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